What does an epilepsy attack look like?
The main symptoms of an epileptic attack are seizures, muscle stiffness and a loss of consciousness.

What is epilepsy?
First, we need to understand that the neurons in our brain communicate through electrical impulses. Sometimes, the brain can malfunction and neurons discharge too much electricity, leading to an epileptic seizure.

How is epilepsy treated?
Apart from taking a syrup to reduce the number of epileptic attacks, there are other ways to help make them less frequent.
The main thing is to avoid situations of nervousness and stress. It's also important not to spend too much time in front of electronic screens, and one should try to eat healthily. Additionally, getting sufficient sleep is also very important.
What should you do?
It is crucial to know how to act when witnessing an epileptic seizure. The main thing is to move away any hard and dangerous objects in the vicinity to prevent the person from accidentally hitting themselves. After that, it's necessary to loosen the clothing around the person's head and neck. If they wear glasses, they should be removed carefully to prevent harm.
It's also important to place something soft under their head to prevent injuries from hitting the floor. Always notify an adult promptly, and finally, the only thing that can be done is to wait for the epileptic episode to pass.

And remember, always ask your doctor!