Jellyfish sting
Jellyfish sting
How to act
1. Wash the sting with saltwater.
2. Remove the tentacles with tweezers or a hard plastic, like a card. These are threads that stay on the skin when touched by a jellyfish tentacle.
3. Apply ice to the wound through a plastic bag to avoid direct contact.
4. See a doctor. In some cases, a syrup and cream for inflammation and pain might be prescribed.

It's very important NOT to scratch as it can spread the affected area.
Do not wash the wound with freshwater; it triggers more venom release from the jellyfish filaments.

In the following days, it's important to keep the wound clean and dry.
Until the scars disappear, apply plenty of sunscreen to the area to prevent having a scar in the future.

And remember, always ask your doctor!