Bee sting
Bee sting
Things to keep in mind
Bees are calm insects. They only sting people when they feel threatened or when you bother them. When a bee stings you, it injects a poison that is not dangerous to most people. It is only dangerous if you are allergic to bees. The area where the bee stings you will be itchy and swollen.

What if you are allergic?
Many people are allergic to bees, so bee stings can be very dangerous for them. People who are allergic to bees can have many symptoms.

They might get hives (itchy red spots) on their skin. They also might experience anaphylaxis. This is when the lips and tongue are swollen and it is difficult to breath.

What should you do?
First, remove the stinger from your skin. Put an anti-inflammatory cream on the sting twice a day. Take an antihistamine medicine if the sting hurts or itches.

It's important to wash the sting frequently with soap and cold water. Do not scratch, no matter how much it itches! Finally, don't get stung in the first place! Leave bees alone!

And remember, always ask your doctor!